The benefits of Colorbond roofing

Interested in Colorbond roofing? Well in this article we'll break down the main advantages of Colorbond.

Updated on Feb 27, 2023
5 min read

The sheer durability of Colorbond roofing has seen an explosion in popularity in recent years. But that resilience is far from the only thing they bring to the table (or, indeed, the roof!).

Here's a lowdown on their main advantages as an option for restoring or replacing your roof...


We'll start with what you already know- they're tough! It has been tried and tested in some of Australia's harshest conditions.

In high wind conditions, they are the best roof material there is.

Snow slides right off, so there are no worries about any potential added weight jeopardising things.

And the fact it is termite-resistant is an added bonus too.


Cost is rarely far from the equation when considering your options- especially when your home will be setting you out a few bobs even at the best of times!

So the fact that Colorbond is cheaper than alternatives such as fired tiles (especially when installation and maintenance are factored in) is another plus point.

VERY low-maintenance

The colour is quite literally bonded to the roof (what gave it away?), so it won't need re-painting as much as other metal roofing—saving money and time.

Its baked-on finish makes it much less prone to the usual wear and tear of chipping, cracking etc.

Environmentally Sustainable

The steel Colorbond is made from is 100% recyclable. To add to its environmental credentials, its lightweight makes it more energy-efficient to transport, and as its delivered pre-cut to the building sites, there is less on-site wastage.

There now. Doesn't that help you sleep better at night?

Excellent Thermal Insulative Qualities/ energy efficient

Colorbond's Thermatech technology harnesses their reflective power to bounce heat away from the house again, keeping the cool and letting your AC do its job without added pressure from up top.

It works to insulate your home throughout the seasons- radiating less heat into the home and making it easier to cool down at night. With better home insulation, you could also see the impact on your reduced energy bills.


If your area is prone to bushfire, then Colorbond over tiles is a no-brainer. It's not only fire-resistant but also much easier to seal the corrugated sheets against flying ember and burning ash.


While roof tiles absorb water, Colorbond allows it to run off easily and quickly, without pooling. The result is a severe de-risking of any leakage.

They're quiet.

Metal roofs can be noisy, especially under a barrage of rain. With simple acoustic covering, you can ensure the only thing waking you up at night is that 3 am trip to the toilet.


Colorbond can be as low as light as 10% of terracotta or concrete. This reduces installation costs and puts less pressure on the roof support structure. Without water absorption, there is less fluctuation in weight too.


After all those practical considerations, let's end on a more aesthetic one- Colorbond roofs come in a range of colours that let you complement your home's colour scheme more easily. The result? A neat, thoroughly modern appearance.

Colorbond's host of practical benefits shows that it is much more than just a rock-hard, cost-effective alternative to tiles, concrete, asphalt, etc. For these reasons, it should be high up everyone's list of options when it's time to make their choice.

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